How to grant an android app BATTERY_STATS permissions

Sometimes you need certain application to access some advanced info on how you phone works.

Apps such as GSAM Batter monitor or Wakelock Detector can use those permissions to help you get a better understanding of what’s happening with your phone.

Assuming you know how to use the adb tool, simply run this on a shell (any OS) to grant a package those permissions and avoid root-ing your device

adb -d shell pm grant  android.permission.BATTERY_STATS

Simply replace with the formated name of your app, like com.uzumapps.wakelockdetector.noroot for WakeLock Detector.


Lucian Ruda

Lucian Ruda, student în ultimul an la Jurnalism şi Comunicare, pasionat de tehnică şi IT, de fotografie şi jocuri, de călătorii şi aventură. urmăresc să evoluez în obiectivitate, coerenţă şi corectitudine.

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