Must see movie: Pandorum (2009)

Review of: Pandorum (2009)
movie by:
Travis Milloy

Reviewed by:
On 13/05/2014
Last modified:13/05/2014


Go see it, I am pretty sure it's available somewhere, it's a well-made, exceptionally played, well designed movie with a large budget and that was somehow poorly promoted so it didn't make it to the big screen in a lot of countries.

Every once in a while, while searching for new SF movies to watch, I discover a not so new movie that somehow I missed and that impresses me so much that I feel I have to write about it.

I am not going to reveal too much about Pandorum, except that it goes a little further from the SF genre into horror territory, but it’s still acceptable for all those that are not-such-a-big-fans of horror movies.

Go see it, I am pretty sure it’s available somewhere, it’s a well-made, exceptionally played, well designed movie with a large budget and that was somehow poorly promoted so it didn’t make it to the big screen in a lot of countries.

I’ve seen a lot movies, and this one clearly belongs on my updated top 10.

Go see it, I am pretty sure it's available somewhere, it's a well-made, exceptionally played, well designed movie with a large budget and that was somehow poorly promoted so it didn't make it to the big screen in a lot of countries.

Lucian Ruda

Lucian Ruda, student în ultimul an la Jurnalism şi Comunicare, pasionat de tehnică şi IT, de fotografie şi jocuri, de călătorii şi aventură. urmăresc să evoluez în obiectivitate, coerenţă şi corectitudine.

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